Data Type CWEs to BF Classes
Irena Bojanova, Inventor/Creator, PI & Lead, NIST Bugs Framework (BF), 2014 – ~~~~
BF Data Type taxonomy can be used by bug reporting tools, as it is a structured extension over data type-related CWEs, such as Numeric Errors , Type Errors, and String Errors. All Data Type Error consequences from the BF classes relate to one or more CWEs.
The BF classes ensure precise causal descriptions, as a weakness is described via one cause, one operation, and one consequence, while the CWEs only enumerate weaknesses. The CWEs exhaustive list approach is prone to gaps in coverage: some weakness types may be missing. The CWEs also have overlaps in coverage, including via over detailing (e.g., CWE-xxx children’s xxx variations). While by their nature, the BF classes are complete and orthogonal, assuring no gaps and no overlaps in coverage. We map a CWE to a BF class by an operation and/or a consequence from the lists defining the BF class. Through these relationships, the BF classes can be viewed as structured extensions to the data type-related CWEs.
The BF Data Type classes relate to particular CWEs by BF DCL, NRS, TCV, and TCM operations and/or consequences. The generated digraphs (see Figure 1 and Figure 2) of all data type-related CWEs, including the integer overflow, juggling, and pointer arithmetics CWEs, show this correspondence both by operation (Figure 1) and by consequence (Figure 2). An edge starts at a child CWE and ends at a parent CWE. Bug reporting tools would use base or variant CWEs, but they may also use higher abstraction level CWEs if there is not enough specific information about the bug or if there is no related base CWE. The outline style of a CWE node indicates the CWE level of abstraction: pillar, class, base, or variant.
The digraphs demonstrate that the BF DCL, NRS, TCV, and TCM classes cover all input/output check related CWEs, and potentially beyond, while providing a better structured way for describing these kinds of bugs/weaknesses.
We identified data type related CWEs in three steps: 1) CWE Filtering: Since different types of bugs/weaknesses are described in CWE, we filtered a set of CWEs which de- scriptions contain keywords such as ”type”, ”string”, ”class”, ”cast”, and ”compare”. 2) Automated Extraction: Starting from the filtered CWEs and following their parent-child relationships, we extracted all the clusters of potentially data type related CWEs. 3) Manual Review: All the authors, who are a team of professional security researchers, performed iterative rounds of manual CWE reviews, identifying the type related CWEs among the extracted CWE clusters. Finally, we could collect 84 CWEs, 78 of which are data type related. The additional six CWEs: 573, 664, 668, 710, 758, and 1076 (shown with gray outline) were included only for parent-child completeness. We peer-reviewed their detailed descriptions, examples, and listed CVEs, as well as the corresponding literature; and performed weekly discussions brainstorming to confirm each of these CWEs is covered by the operations, causes, and/or consequences defining the BF Data Type Bugs classes.
We mapped each of the identified CWEs to a BF Data Type Bugs class based on the operations that are defined in DCL, NRS, TCV, and TCM and identified an operation for the CWE. Then, we generated digraphs of all data type related CWEs to show their correspondence to the BF Data Type Bugs classes by operation (Figure 1) and by consequence (Figure 2). In the digraphs, each node is a CWE weakness, shown by its CWE ID, and the edges show the parent/child relationship. The outline style of a CWE node indicates the abstraction level: pillar, class, base, or variant.
//to be updated// Figure 1: A digraph of the data type related CWEs, mapped by DCL, NRS, TCV, and TCM operations. Each node represents a CWE ID. Each arrow represents a parent-child relationship.
In Figure 1, the outline color of a CWE node indicates the BF class(es) and operation(s) associated with that CWE: DCL Declare, DCL Define, NRS Refer, NRS Call, TCV Cast, TCV Coerce, TCM Calculate, and TCM Evaluate.
Most of the CWEs, visualized on the digraphs, are covered by the DCL class. They relate to improper declaration and definition of structured data and are under the pillars CWE-664 (Improper Control of a Resource Through its Life-time) and CWE-668 (Exposure of Resource), and CWE-710 (Improper Adherence to Coding Standards), correspondingly.
Two other large clusters of data type related CWEs are covered by TCM. They relate to improper calculation and evaluation and are descendants of the pillars CWE-682 (Incorrect Calculation) and CWE-697 (Incorrect Comparison), correspondingly. Two of the CWE-628 (Function Call with Incorrectly Specified Arguments) descendants are also covered by TCM Calculate and Evaluate. In addition, CWE-351 (Insufficient Type Distinction) is covered by TCM Evaluate.
The CWEs covered by TCV are under CWE-704 (Incorrect Type Conversion or Cast). They mostly relate to improper coercion – CWE-843 (Access of Resource Using Incompatible Type (’Type Confusion’)) and the children of CWE-681 (Incorrect Conversion between Numeric Types). Only one CWE was identified as improper casting – CWE- 588 (Attempt to Access Child of a Non-structure Pointer).
Only a few CWEs are partly related to the NRS class, which is surprising as bugs related to polymorphic calls are not rare. Our explanation is that CWE considers improper name referring/resolving and improper function calling/binding to be part of a computation weakness. For in- stance, CWE-468 is under CWE-682 (Incorrect Calculation), but it lists an example that starts with a TCV bug leading to an NRS weakness, and is actually a five weaknesses chain.
//to be updated// Figure 2: A digraph of the data type related CWEs, mapped by BF DCL, NRS, TCV, and TCM consequences. Each node represents a CWE ID. Each arrow represents a parent-child relationship.
Figure 3 shows the percentages of data type related CWEs by BF class operation. It shows that most of these CWEs are about weaknesses that occur at declara- tion and definition (47.8% combined) of objects, types, and functions. Next are weaknesses related to performing data type related calculations or evaluations (28.9% combined). The least represented are the name resolution (at refer and call) and type conversion (at cast and coerce) weaknesses.

Figure 3. A diagram of the percentages of data type related CWEs by the operations of the BF Data Type classes..
While the CWEs only enumerate weaknesses, the Data Type classes ensure precise descriptions, as a weakness is described via one cause, one operation, and one consequence. The CWEs exhaustive list is prone to gaps in coverage and some weakness types may be missing. For example, in the type related categorization the CWEs are mainly focused on primitive data type errors, such as Numeric Errors and String Errors, while our developed BF classes consider both primitive and structured data types. Besides that, the data type related CWEs focus mostly on types of errors that happen during arithmetic calculations and comparison evaluations, while the BF Data Type classes define type related bugs based on different stages of the data types development: from declaration and definition to resolution and usage.
The BF Data Type classes present a taxonomy with structured cause→consequence relations that is complete and orthogonal. It could be viewed as a structured extension over the CWEs related to Wrong Result, Rounded Value, Truncated Value, Wrap Around (incl. Integer Overflow), Under Range, Over Range Flipped Sign, Wrong Access, and Undefined Behaviour (see Figure 2). It is a taxonomy that explains the causal relationships between weaknesses and would be easier to use than the nested hierarchical CWEs.
Many bug reporting tools use the CWE to describe detected bugs/weaknesses. As a structured extension over the data type related CWEs, the BF Data Type taxonomy can be used to report identified data type related bugs/weaknesses (including those leading to integers overflow, juggling, and pointer arithmetic errors). Figure 1 shows how data type related CWEs translate to BF DCL, NRS, TCV, TCM by operation; Figure 2 shows how they translate by consequences.