BF Specification of CVE-2007-1320 BitBlt Heap Buffer Overflow

//generated// Missing Code (in cirrus_invalidate_region() and others) to Quantity Correct upper bound via applying & s->cirrus_addr_mask In Use in Codebase (hw/cirrus_vga.c#L642 hw/cirrus_vga.c#L642 hw/cirrus_vga.c#L657 hw/cirrus_vga.c#L674 hw/cirrus_vga.c#L693-#L694 hw/cirrus_vga.c#L744-#L745 hw/cirrus_vga.c#L771-#L772 hw/cirrus_vga.c#L804-#L805 hw/cirrus_vga.c#L1923 hw/cirrus_vga.c#L1946) Bare-Metal (Xen bare-metal hypervisor) leads to Wrong Value (off_cur_end)

, which propagates to Wrong Size (in ‘while (off_cur < off_cur_end)’) Direct Reposition (pointer) Heap Used Codebase (hw/cirrus_vga.c#L664) in Bare-Metal (Xen bare-metal hypervisor) resulting in Overbound Pointer (s->vram_offset + off_cur)

, which propagates to Overbound Pointer (in ‘cpu_physical_memory_set_dirty(s->vram_offset + off_cur)’) Sequential Write Codebase (hw/cirrus_vga.c#L645) in Bare-Metal (Xen bare-metal hypervisor) resulting in Buffer Overflow (heap)

. If exploited this can lead to ACE (everything could be lost).

vendor:product: qemu:qemu

Bug Report

Code with Bug

Code with Fix

NVD Entry

DVRData Verification (DVR) class – Data are verified (i.e., semantics check) or corrected (i.e., assign or remove) improperly.
MADMemory Addressing (MAD) class – The pointer to an object is initialized, dereferenced, repositioned, or reassigned to an improper memory address.
MUSMemory Use (MUS) class – An object is initialized, read, written, or cleared improperly.
CorrectCorrect operation – Modify data (e.g., assign new value or remove) to make it accurate.
RepositionReposition operation – Change the pointer to another position inside its object.
WriteWrite operation – Change the data value of an object in memory to another meaningful value.
Code BugCode Bug type – An error in the implementation of an operation – proper operands over an improper operation. It is the roor cause of a security vulnerability. Must be fixed to resolve the vulnerability.
   Missing CodeMissing Code bug - The operation is misplaced entirely absent.
Data Error/FaultData Fault/Error type – The data of an object has harmed semantics or inconsistent or wrong value.
   Wrong ValueWrong Value fault/error – The data value is not accurate (e.g., outside of a range).
   Wrong SizeWrong Size fault/error – The value used as size or length (i.e., the number of elements) does not match the object's memory size or length (e.g., to limit a pointer reposition or index increment/decrement in a repetition statement).
Address Error/FaultAddress Fault/Error type – The address of an object is wrong.
   Overbound PointerOverbound Pointer fault/error – Holds an address that is above the upper boundary of its object.
Memory Corruption/Disclosure Final ErrorMemory Corruption/Disclosure final error type – An exploitable or undefined system behavior caused by memory addressing, allocation, use, or deallocation bugs.
   Buffer OverflowBuffer Overflow final error – Write data above the upper bound of an object (i.e., buffer overwrite).
Operation AttributeDefinition
MechanismMechanism operation attribute type – Shows how the operation the operation with a bug or faulty operand is performed.
   QuantityQuantity operation attribute – The operation checks data for a specific measurable value (e.g., size, time, rate, frequency).
   DirectDirect operation attribute – The operation is on a particular object element.
   SequentialSequential operation attribute – The operation is via iterating over the object elements.
Source CodeSource Code operation attribute type – Shows where the code of the operation with a bug or faulty operand resides within the software, firmware, or hardware.
   CodebaseCodebase operation attribute – The operation is in the programmer's code - in the application itself.
Execution SpaceExecution Space operation attribute type – Shows where the operation with a bug or faulty operand is executed and the privilege level at which it runs.
   Bare-MetalBare-Metal operation attribute – The bugged code runs in an environment without privilege control. Usually, the program is the only software running and has total access to the hardware.
Operand AttributeDefinition
Data StateData State operand attribute type – Shows where the data comes from.
   In UseIn Use operand attribute – Data are from a volatile storage (e.g., RAM, cache memory).
Address StateAddress State operand attribute type – Shows where the address is (i.e., its location) in the memory layout.
   HeapThe object is a dynamically allocated data structure (e.g., via malloc() and new).
Size KindSize Kind operand attribute type – Shows what is used as the size or length (i.e., the number of elements) of an object - e.g., as the limit for traversal over the elements.
   UsedUsed operand attribute – A supplied value to be used as the size or length (i.e., the number of elements) of an object.