BF Specification of CVE-2007-6429 Integer overflows in X.Org Xserver before 1.4.1

Missing verifications of input values leads to use of a wrong argument in a memory size calculations and wraparounds , allowing allocation of not enough memory, which, when used leads to a buffer overflow. If exploited, this can lead to arbitrary code execution.

//generated// Missing Code to Verify in leads to Wrong Value

, which propagates to Wrong Argument Calculate in resulting in Wrap Around (integer overflow)

, which propagates to Wrong Size (in ‘xalloc()’ and ‘AshmFuncs()’) Allocate in resulting in Not Enough Memory

, which propagates to Not Enough Memory Write in resulting in Buffer Overflow

. If exploited this can lead to ACE (everything could be lost).


Bug Report

Code with Bug

Code with Fix

NVD Entry

DVRData Verification (DVR) class – Data are verified (i.e., semantics check) or corrected (i.e., assign or remove) improperly.
TCMType Computation (TCM) class – An arithmetic expression (over numbers, strings, or pointers) is calculated improperly, or a boolean condition is evaluated improperly.
MMNMemory Management (MMN) class – An object is allocated, resized, or deallocated improperly.
MUSMemory Use (MUS) class – An object is initialized, read, written, or cleared improperly.
VerifyVerify operation – Check data semantics (e.g., proper value/meaning) in order to accept (and possibly correct) or reject it.
CalculateCalculate operation – Find the result of a numeric, pointer, or string operation.
AllocateAllocate operation – Reserve space in memory for an object; defines its initial boundaries and size.
WriteWrite operation – Change the data value of an object in memory to another meaningful value.
Code BugCode Bug type – An error in the implementation of an operation – proper operands over an improper operation. It is the roor cause of a security vulnerability. Must be fixed to resolve the vulnerability.
   Missing CodeMissing Code bug - The operation is misplaced entirely absent.
Data Error/FaultData Fault/Error type – The data of an object has harmed semantics or inconsistent or wrong value.
   Wrong ValueWrong Value fault/error – The data value is not accurate (e.g., outside of a range).
   Wrong ArgumentWrong Argument fault/error – Inaccurate input data value, i.e., non-verified for harmed semantics.
   Wrap AroundWrap Around fault/error – A moved around-the-clock value over its data type upper or lower range, as it exceeds that range. (Integer Over-/Under-flow is a wrapped-around the upper/lower range integer value; may become very small/large and change to the opposite sign.)
   Wrong SizeWrong Size fault/error – The value used as size or length (i.e., the number of elements) does not match the object's memory size or length (e.g., to limit a pointer reposition or index increment/decrement in a repetition statement).
Size Error/FaultType Fault/Error type – The set or range of allowed values of an entity is wrong or the operations allowed on them are wrong.
   Not Enough Memory
Memory Corruption/Disclosure Final ErrorMemory Corruption/Disclosure final error type – An exploitable or undefined system behavior caused by memory addressing, allocation, use, or deallocation bugs.
   Buffer OverflowBuffer Overflow final error – Write data above the upper bound of an object (i.e., buffer overwrite).
Operation AttributeDefinition
Operand AttributeDefinition