BF Specification of CVE-2013-4930 Wireshark v1.8.x before v1.8.9 and v1.10.x before v1.10.1 (trace from SARD-231364)

Missing verification on the range for the user-controlled 'len_field' (0, but must be at least 1) results in a wrong value, which becomes a wrong argument for the subtraction ‘-‘ operator in 'len_field-1'. The result is -1 and the sign is flipped; as 'body_len' is unsigned integer, the ‘=’ operator coerces the passed-out result to a distorted value (UINT_MAX), which when used to allocate memory on the heap leads to memory overflow. If exploited, this can lead to denial of service – assertion failure and application exit.

//generated// Missing Code to Range Verify length (0, but must be at least 1) (len_field must be at least 1) Stored in Codebase (wireshark-1.8.0/epan/dissectors/packet-dvbci.c#L4044) Local leads to Wrong Value (’len_field')

, which propagates to Wrong Argument (in ‘*body_len = len_field-1;’) Operator Calculate (subtraction ‘-’) Bound (to body_len) Numeric (0) Primitive (guint32) Codebase (wireshark-1.8.0/epan/dissectors/packet-dvbci.c #L4044) in Local resulting in Flipped Sign (as ‘(len_field-1)’ is -1,)

, which propagates to Flipped Sign (in ‘*body_len = len_field-1;’,, where body_len is guint32, but is being assigned -1,) Pass Out Coerce (assignment ‘=’ operator) Bound (to body_len) Numeric (-1) Codebase (wireshark-1.8.0/epan/dissectors/packet-dvbci.c #L4044) in Local resulting in Distorted Value (‘UINT_MAX’ (large positive integer))

, which propagates to Wrong Size (in ‘fd->data = g_malloc(fd->len);’ (‘fd->len’ set from ‘frag_data_len’ set from ‘body_len’)) Explicit Allocate (g_malloc()) Heap Userland in resulting in Memory Overflow

. If exploited this can lead to DOS (assertion failure and application exit) (availability loss).

vendor:product: wireshark:wireshark:1.8.0

Bug Report

Code with Bug

Code with Fix

NVD Entry

DVRData Verification (DVR) class – Data are verified (semantics check) or corrected (assign, remove) improperly.
TCMType Computation (TCM) class – An arithmetic expression (over numbers, strings, or pointers) is calculated improperly, or a boolean condition is evaluated improperly.
TCVType Conversion (TCV) class – Data are converted or coerced into other type improperly.
MMNMemory Management (MMN) class – An object is allocated, deallocated, or resized improperly.
VerifyVerify operation – Check data semantics (proper value/meaning) in order to accept (and possibly correct) or reject it.
CalculateCalculate operation – Find the result of a numeric, pointer, or string operation.
CoerceCoerce operation – Implicitly (forced by the Type System) convert the value of a passed in/out argument or the return into the corresponding parameter or return data type. (Type Coercion is known also as Type Juggling.)
AllocateAllocate operation – Reserve space in memory for an object; defines its initial boundaries and size.
Code BugCode Bug type – Defect in the implementation of the operation – proper operands over an improper operation. A first cause for the chain of weaknesses underlying a software security vulnerability. Must be fixed to resolve the vulnerability.
   Missing CodeMissing Code bug - The operation is entirely absent.
Data Error/FaultData Fault/Error type – The object data has harmed semantics or inconsistent or wrong value.
   Wrong ValueWrong Value fault/error – The value of the data is not accurate (e.g., outside of a range).
   Wrong ArgumentWrong Argument fault/error – Inaccurate input data value, i.e., non-verified for harmed semantics.
   Flipped SignFlipped Sign fault/error – Sign bit is overwritten from type related calculation.
   Distorted ValueDistorted Value fault/error – Incorrect value (although fits type size) due to sign flip or signed/unsigned and vice versa cast.
   Wrong SizeWrong Size fault/error – The value used as size does not match the actual size of the object (e.g., to restrict pointer repositioning or index increment/decrement in a repetition statement).
Memory Corruption/Disclosure Final ErrorMemory Corruption/Disclosure exploitable error type – An exploitable or undefined system behavior caused by memory addressing, allocation, use, and deallocation bugs.
   Memory OverflowMemory Overflow exploitable error – More memory is requested than available.
Operation AttributeDefinition
MechanismMechanism operation attribute type – Shows how the buggy/faulty operation code is performed.
   RangeRange operation attribute – The operation checks data are within a (min, max) interval.
   OperatorOperator operation attribute – The operation is via a function with a symbolic name that implements a mathematical, relational or logical operation.
   Pass OutPass Out operation attribute – The operation is via "out" or "in/out" arguments' values or a return value to a function/ operator.
   ExplicitExplicit operation attribute – The operation is via a function/method call.
Source CodeSource Code operation attribute type – Shows where the operation with the bug or a faulty operand is in the program – in what kind of software.
   CodebaseCodebase operation attribute – The operation is in the programmer's code - in the application itself.
Execution SpaceExecution Space operation attribute type – Shows where the buggy/faulty operation code is running or with what privilege level.
   LocalLocal operation attribute – The bugged code runs in an environment with access control policy with limited (local user) permission.
   UserlandUserland operation attribute – The bugged code runs in an environment with privilege levels, but in unprivileged mode (e.g., ring 3 in x86 architecture).
Operand AttributeDefinition
Data StateData State operand attribute type operand attribute – Shows where the data come from.
   StoredStored operand attribute – Data are from a permanent storage (e.g., file, database on a storage device); they are at rest.
Name StateName State operand attribute type – Shows at what stage the entity name is.
   BoundBound operand attribute – The name is linked to a declared (or inferred) data type, a defined object's data, or a called function implementation.
Data KindData Kind operand attribute type – Shows what the data value is.
   NumericNumeric operand attribute – A number – a sequence of digits.
Type KindType Kind operand attribute type – Shows what the data type composition is.
   PrimitivePrimitive operand attribute – A scalar data type that mimics the hardware units - e.g., int (long, short, signed), float, double, string, Boolean. A primitive data type is only language defined and is not built from other data types.
Address StateAddress State operand attribute type - State operand attribute type – Shows where the address is in the memory layout.
   HeapHeap operand attribute – The object is a dynamically allocated data structure (e.g., via malloc() and new).