BFAI Challenge
Irena Bojanova, Inventor/Creator, PI & Lead, NIST Bugs Framework (BF), 2014 – ~~~~

Create ML & AI tools for automated generation of unambiguous BFCVE vulnerability specifications.

Please refer in Publications to: | I. Bojanova and J. J. Guerrerio, “Labeling Software Security Vulnerabilities,” in IT Professional, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 64-70, Sep.-Oct. 2023, doi: 10.1109/MITP.2023.3314368 , Local Download |

  1. I. Bojanova, ML & AI Generated Formal Software Security Vulnerability Specifications, NIST Building the Future (BTF), July, 2023

  2. I. Bojanova, An Ontology of Software and Firmware Bugs and Weaknesses & a Repository of Formally Described Software and Firmware Security Vulnerabilities, NIST CHIPS Metrology R&D Program, February, 2023

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