Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework: Formalizing Cybersecurity Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities
, Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD), Apr, 4, 2024. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework: Formalizing Cybersecurity Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities
, National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Trust & Assurance Committee (T&AC), Mar. 28, 2024. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF): Formalizing Cybersecurity Security Bugs, Weaknesses, and Vulnerabilities
, NIST ITL Science Day 2023, Nov. 8, 2023. |
Bojanova, I.,
BF: Bug, Fault, Error, Weakness, or Vulnerability
, NIST ITL Science Day 2023, Nov. 8, 2023. |
Bojanova, I.,
Labeling Software Security Vulnerabilities
, NIST ITL Science Day 2023, Nov. 8, 2023. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF): Overview
, NIST - INMETRO Discussion with Brazilian Government officials, Nov. 08, 2023. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF): BF Formal Language
, NIST ITL CSD Security Research Review (SRR), Oct. 25, 2023. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF): BF for AI and ML (Ontology of Software Bugs and Weaknesses; and Reference Dataset of Formally Described Software Security Vulnerabilities)
, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU APL), Feb. 17, 2023. |
Bojanova, I.,
BF for CHIPS: A Formal Language for Describing and Backtracking Chips Triggered Software Vulnerabilities
, NIST ITL SSD SAMATE meeting, Feb. 8, 2023. |
Bojanova, I.,
Explainable Vulnerabilities Descriptions with NIST BF
, Ericson Program Analysis Workshop, Dec. 1, 2022. |
Bojanova, I.,
BF Keynote-Explainable Vulnerabilities Descriptions with NIST BF
, IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Software Hardware Interaction Faults & International Workshop on Software Faults (ISSRE, SHIFT & IWSF 2022), Oct. 31, 2022. |
Bojanova, I.,
BF Lecture: Understanding Software Security Vulnerabilities Descriptions with NIST BF
, IEEE Reliability Society (RS) Certificate Program 2022, Jul. 15, 2022. |
Bojanova, I., Bugs Framework(BF),
BIECO EU Research Project
, Nov. 16, 2021. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF): Input/Output Check Classes and BF Specification of Heartbleed
, NIST ITL CSD Security Research Review (SRR), Nov. 8, 2021. |
Bojanova, I., Cardoso Galhardo, C.,
Input/Output Check Bugs and Injection
, NIST ITL Science Day 2021, Oct. 28, 2021. |
Bojanova, I.,
The NIST Bugs Framework (BF) - Input/Output Check Bugs Taxonomy: Injection Errors in Spotlight
, 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering’ (ISSRE 2021), Oct. 25, 2021. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF)
, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU APL), Jul 23, 2021. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework(BF)
, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Jul. 20, 2021. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF): Data Type Bugs Taxonomy: Integer Overflow, Juggling, and Pointer Arithmetics in Spotlight
, IEEE Software Technology Conference (STC 2022), Oct. 3, 2022. |
Bojanova, I.,
Classifying Memory Bugs Using Bugs Framework Approach
, 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Jul. 12, 2021. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF)
, NIST ITL SSD Assessment Panel, Jun. 20, 2021. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF)
, Invited Talk, St. John’s University, MS CYB Spring 2021 Spring Research Seminary, May 4, 2021. |
Bojanova, I., Cardoso Galhardo, C.,
Memory Bugs Classes in Bugs Framework
, NIST ITL Science Day 2020, Oct. 29, 2020. |
Bojanova, I., [Bugs Framework (BF): Memory Corruption/Disclosure Classes], NIST ITL CSD Security Research Review (SRR), Sep. 16, 2020. |
Bojanova, I., Cardoso Galhardo, C.,
Memory Bugs Classes in NIST Bugs Framework (BF)
- and Handouts -
High Confidence Software and Systems Conference (HCSS)
, Sep. 15, 2020. |
Bojanova, I., Bugs Framework (BF), NIST ITL SSD Division Chief meeting with Vint Cerf, VP and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google, Jul. 24, 2020. |
Bojanova, I., Bugs Framework (BF), Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Mar. 18, 2020. |
Bojanova, I.,
Information Exposure (IEX) Class in the Bugs Framework (BF)
, NIST ITL Science Day 2019, Nov. 6, 2019. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF) – Your Best Friend?
, SATE VI Workshop, Sep. 19, 2019. |
Bojanova, I., Bugs Framework (BF), NIST ITL SSD Software Systems Review (SSR), Sep. 3, 2019. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF): Introduction
Bugs Framework (BF): Information Exposure (IEX), Random Number Generation (RND), Cryptographic Store or Transfer (CST)
, Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program, National Coordination Office (NCO), CSIA, Aug. 22, 2019. |
Bojanova, I., Information Exposure (IEX): A New Class in the Bugs Framework (BF), 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Jul. 15, 2019. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF): Introduction
Bugs Framework (BF): Information Exposure (IEX), Random Number Generation (RND), Cryptographic Store or Transfer (CST)
, Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program, National Coordination Office (NCO), SPSQ, Jul. 11, 2019. |
Bojanova, I.,
Information Exposure (IEX) Class in the Bugs Framework (BF)
High Confidence Software and Systems Conference (HCSS)
2019, Apr. 29, 2019. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF)
, Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program, National Coordination Office (NCO), SPSQ, Feb. 1, 2018. |
Bojanova, I.,
Cryptography Classes in Bugs Framework (BF): Encryption Bugs (ENC), Verification Bugs (VRF), and Key Management Bugs (KMN).pdf
, NIST ITL Science Day 2017, Nov. 02, 2017. |
Bojanova, I.,
Cryptography Classes in Bugs Framework (BF)
, IEEE Software Technology Conference (STC) 2017, Sep. 25, 2017. |
Bojanova, I.,
The Bugs Framework (BF) Hands-On
- and Exercises -
, IEEE Software Quality, Reliability, and Security Conference (QRS) 2017, Jul. 25, 2017. |
Bojanova, I.,
The new Cryptographic Store/Transfer (CST) Class from Bugs Framework (BF)
High Confidence Software and Systems Conference (HCSS)
2017, May 8, 2017. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF) Tutorial
- and Handouts -
, Symposium on the Science of Security (HotSoS), Apr. 4, 2017. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF): Software developer’s and tester’s Best Friend
, NIST ITL CSD Security Research Review (SRR), Nov. 2, 2016. |
Bojanova, I.,
Bugs Framework (BF)
, NIST ITL Science Day 2016, Oct. 13, 2016. |
Bojanova, I., Black, P.,
Bugs Framework (BF): A Structured Integrated Framework to Express Bugs
High Confidence Software and Systems Conference (HCSS)
, May 10, 2016. |
Bojanova, I.,
Towards a Periodic Table of Bugs
, NIST ITL SSD SAMATE meeting, Apr. 8, 2015. |
Bojanova, I., Yesha, Y., Black, P., Wu, Y.,
Towards Formalizing Software Bugs - Abstract
High Confidence Software and Systems Conference (HCSS)
2015, prepared for submission, Feb. 18, 2015. |
Bojanova, I.,
Formalizing Software Bugs
, NIST ITL SSD Division Chief meeting with the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA), Japan delegation, NIST 222/A318, Dec. 9, 2014.