# Getting Started How to get started with using the SimPROCESD simulator package. ## Requirements Python3, version 3.7 or later. ## Installation ### Option 1: Standard package install Install Sim-PROCESD via `pip` using: ``` $ pip install simprocesd ``` To install with optional requirements needed to run some of the examples use: ``` $ pip install simprocesd[examples] ``` ### Option 2: Developer setup If you would like to make local changes to the `simprocesd` package you are running. **1.** Fetch the code to a local folder ``` git clone https://github.com/usnistgov/simprocesd.git ``` **2.** Add the local code as a package with pip. Navigate to `` and run: ``` pip install -e .[examples] ``` Using `-e` flag means the install will be editable and any changes made to the code in `` will be reflected without needing to reinstall the SimPROCESD package.   **3.** Import and use SimPROCESD package as you normally would except that now you can make changes to the code and have them be reflected in the package.   4. To uninstall a package installed with a `-e` flag navigate to `` and run: ``` python setup.py develop -u ```