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Organ Donor Code
Vocabulary Type Code System - Representative
Concept Domain Organ Donor Code
Code System Name
Code System Identifier
Code System OID
HL7 Table Identifier HL70316
Status Active
Where Used PV2-44, PD1-8
Purpose and Use Table of codes specifying whether the patient wants to donate his/her organs and whether an organ donor card or similar documentation is on file with the healthcare organization.

Organ Donor Code - Code System
Code Display Definition Deprecated
Y Yes, patient is a documented donor and documentation is on file Yes, patient is a documented donor and documentation is on file
F Yes, patient is a documented donor, but documentation is not on file Yes, patient is a documented donor, but documentation is not on file
N No, patient has not agreed to be a donor No, patient has not agreed to be a donor
I No, patient is not a documented donor, but information was provided No, patient is not a documented donor, but information was provided
R Patient leaves organ donation decision to relatives Patient leaves organ donation decision to relatives
P Patient leaves organ donation decision to a specific person Patient leaves organ donation decision to a specific person
U Unknown Unknown